
Official and Government Websites

Official website of the government of China. Portal to all the ministries, government agencies, government organizations and a wealth of official information about China in general.
Official website of the Swiss government

Business & Trade

Official portal of the Chinese government for business in China.
The SECO is the Confederation’s competence centre for all core issues relating to economic policy.
Swiss Center Shanghai offers a unique platform to facilitate your entry onto the Chinese and Asian markets and support your operations to ensure success.
Switzerland Global Enterprise is the official promoter of Swiss foreign trade and is represented in China by the Swiss Business Hubs. They provide information to foreign companies interested in establishing business relations with Switzerland and to Swiss companies looking for business opportunities abroad. The Swiss Business Hub China has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.
Swiss interests in Taiwan are represented by a private organization, The Trade Office of Swiss Industries (TOSI) operated by the Swiss Taiwan Trading Group (STTG) in Zurich.